Ultimate Tips for Talking To an Ex Girlfriend

It's the hardest part of getting back together with an exgirlfriend: knowing how to talk to her. And not just how, but learning when and where to reconnect with your ex is almost as important as what you say to her.

Talk To Ex Girlfriend
Talking to an ex girlfriend after the break; knowing what
to say is just as important as how you say it.

If you're trying to win back the love of your ex girlfriend, you'll need to know the right (and wrong) ways to talk to her. Contacting your ex is easy: you know where she is, and how to do it. But when should you? And how long after the break up should you be talking again?

These are all great questions. The answers will determine how successful you are in getting your ex back again, and how quickly you do it, too.

Most guys think that speaking to an ex every day is the quickest way into her heart. Not true. Any friendship-type contact you have with your exgirlfriend is ultimately sabotaging your chances of getting back together.

All your daily updates, text messages just to "say hi", emails asking how she's doing each day... these are destroying your chances of dating your ex again. You're working your way downward, moving away from her romantically, and rapidly entering the black hole known as The Friend Zone (from which there's no escape!) Even worse, you're doing it cheerfully, as if keeping in touch with her is a great thing.

Making Your Exgirlfriend Miss You - The Key To Getting Her Back

If you want your ex back, you have to get her to miss you and actually need you on both mental and emotional levels. The good news is that this is easy to accomplish. The bad news is that it will be difficult for you emotionally, because it requires you to leave your exgirlfriend alone for a while.

Most guys fail at this task, which is why they fail at winning back a girlfriend. In an effort to remain in their girlfriend's lives, even playing a smaller and more insigificant part, they're shooting themselves in the foot. Their chances diminish as each week goes by, until finally they have to endure the pain of "being friends" with their ex while watching their girlfriend date someone else.

Snap out of it. Making your ex miss you is as simple as going away. Stop calling her, stop texting her, and stop writing on her Facebook wall. All that friendly crap you've been doing has gotten you nowhere, so it's time to shake things up a little. If you want your ex back in your arms, you need to create a situation where she's wondering where the hell you went... and wondering why you suddenly disappeared. When she calls you, don't answer. When she emails you, don't respond. When she leaves a message on your answering machine, Facebook, or MySpace account... don't acknowledge it. In fact, don't even log into your social networking or email sites. Unplug yourself and go outside.

The sudden mystery of your disappearance will make your ex very interested in you again. She'll be curious as to where you are, what you're doing, and who you happen to be with. This is where you go out, have a great time, see friends, and throw your phone over your shoulder. Keep a strict policy of no contact with your ex. Concentrate on yourself for a while, and enjoy it. In the long run, know that it's going to help you get back together with your girlfriend.

Getting Back in Contact With an Ex Girlfriend Who Dumped You

When the time finally does come to reestablish a connection with your exgirlfriend, you need to do it correctly. By now she's emailed or called you, or at least asked friends to find out where you were. Give her a call, out of the blue, and make sure you keep it short and sweet.

"Hey, how's things? Sorry I've been hard to reach, things have been really busy over here. What's going on?"

Talking to your ex for the first time in a long while, don't ask too many questions. Let her do the talking. She's going to be curious, and she'll want answers! Make sure you don't give her too many. You want to leave your ex wanting more, so there will be room for more calls or meetings.

In fact, be extremely vague with what you've been doing, and who you've been doing it with. Don't feel the need to explain anything to your ex, and the less you say the better. And after two or three minutes?

"Look, I've got to get going, but it was good to hear from you again. Maybe we can hook up for lunch or something and talk some more. Give me a call next week? This week is totally jammed for me."

Examine what just happened here. You got her interested, called her out of the blue, and didn't give any solid answers. Instead of chasing her you made it seem like you're ready to fly out the door. Instead of more phone banter, you offered a casual lunch meeting to talk some more. But you made it for next week, because you're way too busy to see her right away.

And if you don't get to see her next week? No big deal for you. Because to her, it doesn't sound like you're sweating her in the least. In fact, she's lucky if you can fit her into your busy schedule.

Taking Back Control After The Breakup

As she hangs up with you, guess what? You've just become the opposite of desperate. In just a few short sentences, you let her know that your life has moved on. You're not that clingy exboyfriend trying desperately to be friends with his ex, or to hang onto any form of contact you can. You're the busy, driven, and suddenly mysterious guy that she used to date... and might just date again.

By keeping things distant and casual, you've greatly increased your chances of getting back together with your ex. If she wants you back even the slightest bit, she's going to need to do it quickly, because you might not be available for long.

Women love men who are strong, confident, and have stuff going on. Become that man, and she's going to be instantly attracted to you again. It's the fastest way back into her heart.

Break Up Reversed Review

Breakup Reversed is THE relationship repair guide for anyone stuck in a breakup with a cold, unfeeling, or totally unresponsive ex boyfriend or girlfriend.

This downloadable e-book is is designed specifically for turning the dynamic of a breakup completely around. If your ex looks down at you, doesn't respect you, or you need them to see you in a more positive light? Breakup Reversed is your ultimate answer.

Written by relationship repair king Robert Parsons, the methods taught are for anyone looking to seize back power and control. These two things are the cornerstone to any potential reunion between you and your ex.

Everyone who's ever been through a breakup knows that the success of any reconciliation hinges upon which partner has more control and respect. Parsons shows you how to immediately regain that respect by using simple yet effective psychological techniques.

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  • Understand the real reason your ex left you... and what you can instantly do to fix it.
  • 7 Techniques you must know, if you want to win back your ex's mind as well as their heart.
  • Learn Parson's famous Instant Reconnection Technique Used on it's own, this one method can reverse almost any type of standard breakup.

With both audio and visual reference materials, Breakup Reversed is dedicated to getting you through the rough spots of your breakup and past the pain, sorrow, and heartache. You'll learn how to approach getting your ex back with a clear head and a sharp mind - greatly improving your chances.

Break Up Reversed Testimonials

Read up on the many amazing testimonals from people who've already fixed their broken relationships and moved on to reconcile after an unwanted breakup.

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